Walking As A Goal

23 Aug 2022

When Georgie Whelan began her journey to start a family almost 5 years ago, she never thought it would take so much time or so much of herself. 

It takes its toll; mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. It’s all consuming”, says Georgie. 

Around one in six couples face infertility, as many as one in four identified pregnancies end in miscarriage, and one in 100 births result in stillbirth or newborn death. These losses can have a devastating impact on the emotional and mental wellbeing of women who have a strong desire to be a mum. Grief associated with these losses is mostly private and not often acknowledged.  

Georgie recently opened up about her own fertility journey and has been blown away by the amount of support and messages from family and friends. "It also felt like a big weight had been lifted off me." 

Georgie, Nicol, Shan & Hayley are walking 30km in their team “Sole Strength” at Coastrek Adelaide in September. As a team, Coastrek has given them a goal to work towards, and being able to support one another after experiencing the effects fertility struggles can have on your mental health. 

"This walk has given me a goal to work towards and something on the horizon to look forward to”, reveals Georgie. 

Coastrek has given Georgie, Nicol, Shan & Hayley the guilt-free opportunity to have fun while getting fit with friends, and the space to have these meaningful conversations with each other. It has strengthened their bond as a team that they take into their everyday lives.