If you are looking to join a team, you can check out the team vacancies listing below or add your profile so a team looking for someone can contact you.

Or, if you have already signed up to Coastrek and have a spot you need to fill, you can check out the profiles to find someone and you can also check out your Coastrek community page on Facebook you can post in there as often past trekkers are looking to join a new team.

Alternatively, as trekkers ourselves, we find last minute team mates in unexpected places like; previous work besties, other mums from the canteen shift, parkrun friends etc.

Happy trekking!

Jindabyne Girls

Jindabyne Girls

Hello, we URGENTLY need a 4th team member for our 20klm group for this Friday. Louise 0404 787 272

Penny Patrol

Penny Patrol

Hi All Looking for one more team member to join the amazing Penny Patrol! Warm bed an foot spa post walk provided. Gala

The Poppies

The Poppies

1 x vacancy 20km

Capital Nordic Walkers

Capital Nordic Walkers

We have two vacancies available for the twilight 20km - happy for anyone who is keen! Contact me at claudiam.home@gmail.com

Sleepy Sussex

2 vacancies available.

City Coaster Cardio Queens

Unfortunately we are down a team member - we are a team of military and other government agency ladies who would love to have another member on board.

Individuals looking to join or create a team

Add your profile

Name Tracey H
Event 30km
Email d_t_halcrow@bigpond.com
Mobile 0408425200
Gender Female
Comments Did the 60km in Syd last year as my introduction to Coastrek and I'm planning to do the Sydney 50km & the Mornington 50km, after this one.
Name Leanne Hardy
Event 20km
Email brian.leanne23@bigpond.com
Mobile 0429 943 320
Gender Female
Comments Have done the Bloody Long Walk and looking forward to a new challenge :)
Name Sally Duncan
Event 30km
Email sam.7@bigpond.com
Mobile +61408223001
Gender Female
Comments Would love to join a Team. Happy to fund raies and support your cause. Have done 4 Coastreks before (3 x 100s & 1 x 60 in Sydney) so am a good team member and can do the distance. Thanks
Name Making Tracks
Event 30km
Email bcrae155@gmail.com
Gender Other
Comments Our team has a vacancy for one team member for the 30km event. Please get in touch if you'd be keen to join us. The other three members of the team all have experience with Coastrek or similiar hiking events.
Name Gorgeously Gleeful Gatherers
Event 30km
Email tamarajane1974@gmail.com
Mobile 0409338093
Gender Female
Comments Looking for 4 members to take over a full team.