Peta O’Brien: I have totally fallen in love with Coastrek!

01 May 2024

Peta O’Brien is an avid Coastrekker who shares her insightful training tips and fundraising ideas so generously with fellow trekkers.  Everything you’d want in a great Ambassador!  Here she shares why she’s fallen in love with Coastrek… 

1. This will be your fifth Coastrek – what brings you back each year? 

I have totally fallen in love with Coastrek! The training sessions really help my fitness, my mental health and are just therapeutic for my soul. I really enjoy the lead up each year and getting out and training with my team, but of course, I absolutely love Coastrek Event Day, the exciting vibe and meeting new people. I have made lots of friends who are in my daily life now who I met through the Coastrek Community.

2. You originally connected with Coastrek during the partnership with Beyond Blue and will now be hiking for healthy hearts in support of the Heart Foundation – tell us more…

I was having a really tough time dealing with grief over the loss of my sister a few years ago and I started walking to clear my head and it became a real healing process and routine.  The great thing about Coastrek is that it’s great for your mind and body – I need the routine of training that Coastrek gives me, it helps clear my head and keeps me energised. And I know it’s benefiting my cardio fitness as well which is really important to me as I have close friends currently battling heart conditions and I have a family history of heart disease.  So, I’m very happy to do my bit to support the Heart Foundation.

3. Did your family history prompt you to be more aware of your heart health?

My Dad had regular heart checks on his doctor’s advice – good thing he did because in 2018 they found he suffered from a Heart Arrhythmia.  This became worse and Dad had to undergo open heart surgery to mend a valve.  I’ve since also found out my uncle had a heart attack in his 40s and has had two triple bypass surgeries.  He continues to manage it with medication and is living well at 81.  This coupled with Coastrek partnering with the Heart Foundation made me really think about my heart health and prompted me to get a heart check – thankfully all clear.

4. You’ve done the Sunshine Coast and Fleurieu Peninsula events – any other destinations in your sights?

I want to do them ALL! I would love to do Sydney next, then Mornington Peninsula and Margaret River. They all have their own unique beauty and challenges, so I’ll be saving up to do an interstate event next year for sure.

5. Anything else you’d like to share about Coastrek? Hot tips??

Definitely, my hot tip is to condition your body, try to get in training when you can short walks, long walks, on sand, on paths/trails, chat, laugh take in all your surroundings. The right shoes, is big one, and lastly to follow the helpful training guide that Coastrek provides, so many tips and helpful options from prepping your feet to snacks on the day.  Most of all have the best time!