If you are looking to join a team, you can check out the team vacancies listing below or add your profile so a team looking for someone can contact you.

Or, if you have already signed up to Coastrek and have a spot you need to fill, you can check out the profiles to find someone and you can also check out your Coastrek community page on Facebook you can post in there as often past trekkers are looking to join a new team.

Alternatively, as trekkers ourselves, we find last minute team mates in unexpected places like; previous work besties, other mums from the canteen shift, parkrun friends etc.

Happy trekking!

Teams with Vacancies

Don't Stop Me Now!

Don't Stop Me Now!

We have 4 vacancies as we decided to pull out, contact me if you are interested in joining paying the early bird fees

Blisters Sisters

Blisters Sisters

Wãhine Toa

We need 1 more team member! Team Leader, Nadia Semmens, is a Stroke Survivor determined not to let current mobility issues hold her back. Given mobility issues this team will likely come in last but my goal is to finish the event ( we have a time limit of 6 hours, I expect I will take approximately that long) and make some memories along the way. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please make contact.

The Yoga Team

The Yoga Team

We still have one vacant for our team

Golden Girlies

Golden Girlies

We have space for one more!! xx

Kokoda Kids

Hi all, due to work commitments we have an opening on our team. The trek is set to be a great day for a fantastic cause. If you know of anyone looking to join, please reach out.



We have 2 spots available for anyone keen to participate. 7am start. Please reach out if interested.

R We There Yet?

R We There Yet?

Hello everyone, We have unfortunately decided to pull out our team for this year. we have two team members with recent injuries unable to participate, and the other two don't want to do it without us! Please get in contact if you would like to take over our team and just pay the early bird rate.

Red Hot Chilli Trekkers

Looking for one superstar to join our easygoing enthusiastic team!

Frasers Property Industrial Team 3

Work Wives Walking

We now have a vacancy on our team if you know anyone looking to do the 30km walk or if you have a friend who is wanting to join you on your adventure! We did this last year and it was great fun!

The Heart Conditioners

The Heart Conditioners

Unfortunately due to health reasons we are losing a member of our team for this years walk. I am on my third Coastrek this year but first over the 50k's ( previously done the 30k). I will be joined by my sister doing her 2nd Coastrek and a mate Scott doing his first. Anyone interested in joining let us know, we aim to have fun and make the distance.

is it over yet?

is it over yet?

Individuals looking to join or create a team

Add your profile

Name Nadia Semmens
Event 20km
Email nadia.semmens@gmail.com
Mobile 0420722057
Gender Female
Comments Stroke survivor very slow walker and high falls risk
Name Karin Clarke
Event 30km
Email karinclarke8@gmail.com
Mobile 0482711321
Gender Female
Comments I have recently moved back to Australia and do not have a network as yet so hoping I can join an already created team as I am very keen to participate in this walk and raise money for this worthy cause
Name Tracey H
Event 50km
Email d_t_halcrow@bigpond.com
Mobile 0408425200
Gender Female
Comments I have done the 60km previously, love the walk and the cause... not looking to race, just to enjoy the day and all that it offers.
Event 50km
Email puja.jain12@gmail.com
Mobile 0415473697
Gender Female
Comments I have been wanting to do this hike, however have no groups of 4. would like to be part of this amazing trek and help and support the cause.
Name Stephanie Powell
Event 50km
Email sportsgirl111@hotmail.com
Mobile 0415034014
Gender Female
Comments Very keen to find a team. Have previously completed Trailwalker etc
Name Thomas Fiorenza
Event 50km
Email Tomfiorenza@live.com
Mobile 0400447097
Gender Male
Comments Hello! My name is Tom and my friend, Jake, and I are looking to join a team. We’re both males aged 30 and have completed long distance events before. Feel free to email me if you have 2 places you need to fill
Name John Petrakis
Event 50km
Email jjn.petrakis@gmail.com
Mobile 0431608920
Gender Male
Comments Hi I’m John, currently living in Melbourne and would love to join a team for the walk. I hike every weekend and have done long distances before with a bit of training, fitness won’t be an issue at all. Let me know if you have a vacancy in your team!