How Four Time Poor Mums Are Training For Coastrek

09 May 2023

The juggle is real – just ask Pip Reid, and her team of Melbourne Mums, the ‘Saints of Mentone’.  Pip writes: 

“I met these three glorious humans through our community Kinder in Mentone. Between us we have 9 children between 4 and 7 years old. We have busy lives with the load that comes with being a Mum - Wife - Worker etc etc.. 

We have worked hard over the last couple of months to make time for us, our health, and our training walks. Often they are done after the bed-bath-book chaos, when we are tired and ready for bed ourselves. But check out our proud faces! 

 Saints of Mentone

This trekking business has been happening in all conditions. Over the Easter break I went for a long walk on the soft sand in the pouring rain. The rain was coming in sideways!

But you know what - I set a goal, and I went out in the rain and achieved it! I had bright red cheeks, wobbly legs, and a happy heart afterwards.

Pip Reid

Recently, my first born turned 7(!).  Birthday celebrations meant I missed out on our team training session but clearly my training activity has made an impression.  With his new Fitbit birthday present on his wrist, he was super keen to hold my hand and walk with me – to get his steps, and mine! 

Walking has also done wonders for my mental health.  A fabulous friend I made through mother’s group and I walk together every Thursday morning.  We started during the Covid pandemic when lockdowns were testing us. We get up early - before the kids are all up and walk rain, hail or shine.

And Thursdays come around quickly! We always get a shock when one of us sees the text on a Wednesday night, simply saying:

6:30? X

But recently when that text came through, it wasn’t a usual Wednesday evening. I’d just got home from a funeral of a long time friend. My heart was beyond heavy, my mind was mush. I was grieving the loss, hard. But I replied with a yes.

After a sleepless night, I got up at 6, still feeling the full effects of my grief. But I met my friend. And we walked. It was the same route we take every Thursday morning. I said I wanted to go half way then see how I was feeling. But half way came and went and we kept going.  The routine, familiarity and friendship of the weekly walk provided me with so much comfort. I felt better for moving my body and connecting with my friend.

Signing up for Coastrek as a team of four Mums has been exciting!  We’ve supported and inspired one another and juggled our busy lives and schedules to find time to train as a team – but at times when we have been unable to all be together, we have shared photos and stories of the walks we have done independently or in pairs.

Here we are just a couple of weeks out from the event and I couldn’t be prouder of our team, as well as our family and friends who have contributed to raising money for the Heart Foundation.  We’ve somehow managed to prioritise our training and had so much fun and lots of chats along the way. We have all noticed the brilliant impact our Coastrek training has had on our health.

Bring on event day! Oh, and the accommodation with the Spa bath that we’ve organised for afterwards!”