If you are looking to join a team, you can check out the team vacancies listing below or add your profile so a team looking for someone can contact you.

Or, if you have already signed up to Coastrek and have a spot you need to fill, you can check out the profiles to find someone and you can also check out your Coastrek community page on Facebook you can post in there as often past trekkers are looking to join a new team.

Alternatively, as trekkers ourselves, we find last minute team mates in unexpected places like; previous work besties, other mums from the canteen shift, parkrun friends etc.

Happy trekking!

Teams with Vacancies

Wythym Winers

Wythym Winers

We have a spot for 1 more walker on the Margaret River Coastrek. Our 4th walker had to unfortunately pull out due to family commitments, so we are looking for a lovely lady to fill her place. The registration is paid so all that's needed is the fundraising of $500 or more ! Our team is the Whythm Winers

The Antipodean Amblers

The Antipodean Amblers

Looking for one more trekker for 20kms.

Flaming Lagahs

Flaming Lagahs

Register if you would like to join us The Flaming Lagahs at the Cape to Cape 35k trek

The happy Wanderers

The happy Wanderers

Individuals looking to join or create a team

Add your profile

Name Heather Smith
Event 35km
Email hdsmith@iinet.com.au
Mobile 0401481094
Gender Female
Comments I'm looking for a team to join - did the 35km in 2022
Name Rae Ashcroft
Event 35km
Email rachael.ashcroft99@gmail.com
Mobile 0434473977
Gender Female
Comments Would love to do my first 35km Cape to Cape! Looking for a team to join.
Name Mireia
Event 35km
Email Mireiapeguero@gmail.com
Mobile 0451824830
Gender Female
Comments Looking for a team to join. I am 41 years .